Leadership Development Training

Harness the Power of Social and Emotional Intelligence

Harness the Power of Social and Emotional Intelligence

Research has established that social and emotional intelligence increases leadership effectiveness, productivity, and profitability for an organization. Using the Social + Emotional Intelligence Profile (SEIP)® , one of the most comprehensive instruments on the market today, this workshop helps participants to identify their emotional intelligence strengths, target their development opportunities, and create a development plan with actionable strategies for building EQ.  

Harness the Power of Social and Emotional Intelligence

Improve Workplace Relationships and Increase Collaboration

The Everything DiSC® Workplace Profile teaches participants to understand themselves and others while learning to appreciate the different priorities, preferences and values each individual brings to the workplace.  Through this interactive workshop, which provides personalized insights and actionable strategies, participants learn how to manage their challenges and adapt to the style of others, strengthening teamwork and collaboration in the workplace.  For more information about the DiSC model, click here.

Harness the Power of Social and Emotional Intelligence

Develop Your Leaders' Capacities for Vision, Alignment, and Execution

Everything DiSC Work of Leaders® is a group training and personalized learning experience that connects unique leadership styles to real-world demands. This application brings together best practices from 300 experts in over 150 organizations, the important work of prominent scholars, and over four years of additional research and development to provide participants with an actionable path toward more effective leadership. 

Additional Training and Consulting Topics:

In addition to leadership workshops, we offer training, coaching, and consulting on a variety of topics - a few examples are listed below.  All of our programs are customized to fit your organization's culture and needs.  Please contact us for more information.

Giving Feedback So It Will Be Heard

Using Feedback to Advance Your Career

The Art of Delegation

Building Your Brand Inside Your Organization

Coaching Skills for Effective Mentoring

Laying the Ground Work for Success

Take Charge of Your Career

Improving Career Satisfaction in Place

Exploring a Career Transition