Empowering Professionals to Take Command of Their Careers
"The secret of getting ahead is getting started." -- Mark Twain
Are you ready for coaching?
Coaching is an active process that takes dedication and effort from both coach and client.To obtain a successful outcome, you need "coaching readiness," a combination of mindset, openness, and a commitment to working toward your goals.Ask yourself these questions:
Am I ready to invest time in developing myself?
Am I willing to tolerate some discomfort as I move away from ingrained patterns of thinking and behaving?
Am I open to the level of self-inquiry that will provide insights on my areas of development?
Am I willing to stop or modify self-defeating behaviors that keep me from being successful?
Am I open to experimenting with new ideas and behaviors?
Am I capable of consistent action toward my intentions, even if the results are not immediate?
Am I willing to take responsibility for changing my future?
If you answered "yes" to these questions, you are ready for coaching!Contact me to explore the possibilities. If you'd like more information, please email me using the link below. If you're ready to book a free 30-minute consultation, please call me at 720-773-2559 or send an email by clicking below.